26 sept 2010


I saw the rain fall yesterday
tears from heaven erased the water comming from my heart
staring at the night I could only whisper
whisper to the gods of oblivion that all they needed to have me
was push a little harder towards a reality so close to the mind--
a mind troubled by sadness and dispair
based on a sick perspective of own shortcomings
and unreal visions of a life too close to a fairy tale 
where the dragons are more than life itself and the witches 
are the thoughts and expectations of people who care too much
 and others that don't care at all

I saw the rain fall yesterday 
and as the dark night followed me to the edge of my moments
a lightning brightened my path that headed towards the open sea
from where there is no turning back and where the gate on the other side 
is nothing more than a dream itself--a dream I dare not go to because I know 
that as soon as I get there
I would want to wake up
But if I do
It would only mean I'm alive
alive in a life
alive in a moment I'm not sure I want to be in

Today...Today it stopped raining
and as the tears dried
the darkness gave way to a dim pale light
a light I'm not sure what it means... 

1 comentario:

  1. This piece is so deep, profound and beautifully written. It reflects the angst most of us feel some time or another. It gets at the core of what it means to be human....
